I really found the Buffet Options Mentors very engaging and the community is great. I now have people I can talk to about investing and I don’t feel so lonely in my investing journey. Before joining the Buffet Options Mastery, I had invested for 3 years with about 30% losses every year. Now my return is at 42% over the year.
Evelyn Poh
Buffett Options Mentorship's 20th Millionaire Achiever
I have definitely seen myself improve a lot in my investment thought process, gaining a stronger grasp of the fundamentals. This has helped me to be more confident and make a 6 digit profit.
Kit Wong
100% Growth Achiever of 2025
Within just one year, my business experienced an incredible eightfold increase in revenue. Creators Masterclass has been nothing short of life-changing!
Lu Sin
Co-founder of The Senses Therapy
The mentors from the Creators Masterclass had years of valuable experience, and they were so generous in sharing their knowledge. Thanks to their guidance, I was able to avoid making the same mistakes they had made in the past.
Ee Yjourn
Investing Coach
I started investing with a positive portfolio, but it eventually dipped into the negative. There were many moments when I felt like giving up. However, with the guidance of the Buffett Options mentors, I was able to identify my mistakes, learn from them, and understand their causes. Today, I've finally managed to recover my losses.
Rhonny Chan Say Piu
Resilience Achiever of 2025