
Borwen Neo's Investing Wisdom: Building Wealth Through Understanding One’s Personality

Borwen Neo, a contemporary thinker, presents an extraordinary view on wealth creation and personal growth. He ingeniously combines the principles of return on investment (ROI) with understanding one's personality. Let's explore his perspective in greater detail.

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Key Principle: The Power of Focused ROI

In our busy, distraction-filled world, Neo emphasizes the significance of narrowing your focus to those actions or decisions promising the greatest return on your investment. Whether investing time, money, or energy, focusing on high-yielding ROI is crucial to achieving success.

The key principle of focusing on high-yielding ROI, as emphasized by Neo, can be seen as a universal strategy applied differently by various personality types. Each archetype approaches ROI in a way that resonates with its core traits and values, whether through ethical considerations, innovation, risk-taking, analysis, creativity, organization, protection, or collaboration. 

This focused approach to ROI allows them to navigate the complexity of investment decisions effectively, ensuring that their choices align with their financial objectives and unique personalities.

Level O Personality Test: Understand Yourself

The Level O Personality Test is a tool that aids individuals in uncovering their innate characteristics. The test distinguishes among eight different personalities, enabling a better understanding of inherent traits to guide investment choices and life decisions.

The Level O test is essential in gaining clarity about your personality. Examples of these unique personalities include:


An investor with a heroic personality might be driven by ethical considerations, investing in companies and causes that aim to impact the world positively. They look for opportunities that align with their values and mission, possibly focusing on environmental, social, or humanitarian efforts. Their investment strategy might prioritize long-term societal benefits over short-term profits.


A magician-like investor might be innovative and open to exploring new and unconventional investment opportunities. They might be drawn to cutting-edge technology or disruptive business models that can transform the industry. Their approach might involve a mix of intuition and analytical skills to identify the hidden potentials in various markets.


Investors with a rebel personality may seek out non-traditional investment paths and unorthodox strategies. They might be more willing to take risks and go against the prevailing market trends. Investing in startups, cryptocurrencies, or emerging markets might appeal to them, as they often prefer to chart their course rather than follow the crowd.


Oracle-like investors base their investment decisions on deep research, analysis, and understanding of market trends. Their wisdom and insight into the nature of the economy might lead them to make thoughtful and well-considered investment choices. They are likely to seek long-term growth and stability rather than quick gains.


Creative investors will likely be drawn to industries where innovation and originality are key. They might invest in art, entertainment, technology, or any field that allows artistic and imaginative expression. Their investment strategy might focus on finding hidden gems and nurturing their growth.


A ruler personality in investing might be highly organized and meticulous. They will likely have a well-structured investment portfolio, focusing on dependable and consistent growth. They prefer investing in blue-chip companies, bonds, and other stable assets, as they value consistency and reliability.


Protector-like investors might prioritize safety and stability in their investment choices. They may be drawn to investments that offer security to the people and causes they care about. Socially responsible investing, focusing on companies that uphold strong ethical values, might be their way of protecting and supporting what matters to them.


Synergists in the investment world may be collaborative and team oriented. They prefer to work with financial advisors, join investment clubs, or engage in partnerships to achieve common financial goals. Their investment approach would focus on creating harmony within their portfolio, balancing risks and rewards, and working towards mutual success.

These highlight different ways individuals might approach investing, reflecting their unique characters and values. The way they invest isn't merely about making money; it's an extension of their personality and beliefs, driving them to make decisions that resonate with who they are.

Secrets to Building Wealth: Neo's Approach

Secret 1: Leverage for Success

"To build wealth, you need to learn how to leverage." - Robert Kiyosaki

Leverage is more than money or resources. It's about maximizing efficiency and ROI. Neo encourages leveraging your strengths for more significant gains, focusing on what you're good at rather than struggling with weaknesses.

Secret 2: The Power of Teamwork

"Don't work alone. 1+1=3" is a principle Neo strongly believes in. He emphasizes that collaboration can lead to outcomes far greater than individual efforts.

According to Neo, finding your complement is vital. If one person's weakness is another's strength, their partnership becomes a force to be reckoned with. This mutual leverage can foster exponential growth and success.

Let's explore how the concept of finding your complement and leveraging synergy can be explicitly applied to investing.

1. Combining Different Investment Strategies

In a partnership where one investor might be more risk-averse and another more risk-tolerant, they can balance each other. The conservative investor can bring a cautious approach, focusing on long-term, stable assets, while the adventurous investor might explore more volatile but potentially higher-reward opportunities. Together, they create a diversified portfolio that provides stability and growth.

2. Tapping into Varied Expertise

Investors often specialize in different areas, such as technology, real estate, or emerging markets. The partnership can access a broader range of investment opportunities by pairing individuals with complementary expertise. Each partner contributes knowledge and insights into specific sectors, enhancing overall decision-making.

3. Enhancing Analytical Perspectives

Different investors bring distinct analytical approaches. One may excel in quantitative analysis, focusing on numbers and statistical models, while another might be skilled in qualitative assessment, considering broader market trends and human behaviors. These varied perspectives offer a more holistic view of potential investments, reducing biases and blind spots.

4. Leveraging Networking Strengths

If one investor has strong connections within the financial community and another has extensive industry contacts, their combined network can provide valuable insights and opportunities. This mutual leverage extends their reach and access to information, which can translate into better investment decisions.

5. Creating a Balanced Risk Profile

The partnership can create a more balanced risk profile by aligning strengths and weaknesses. For example, pairing a seasoned investor with a novice can provide mentorship and guidance, helping the less experienced partner avoid common pitfalls. The experienced investor benefits from fresh insights and enthusiasm, making the partnership more resilient to market fluctuations.

6. Fostering Innovation in Investment Approaches

A synergistic partnership can foster creativity in finding unique investment opportunities. The combination of different experiences and thinking styles can lead to innovative strategies that might be overlooked by individuals working alone.

7. Building a Sustainable Partnership

Investing is often a long-term endeavor, and a partnership based on complementary strengths is more likely to endure challenges. By recognizing and respecting each other's unique contributions, the partnership builds a foundation of trust and collaboration that can weather the ups and downs of the investment world.

Final Thoughts

Borwen Neo's approach to wealth creation, ROI, and leveraging personalities offers a refreshing and insightful perspective. By focusing on high ROI, understanding personal traits, and maximizing leverage, anyone can pave the way to success and personal growth. His teachings provide valuable guidance not only for investment decisions but for leading a fulfilling life as well.

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Further Reading