
Top 15 Online Side Hustles: Best Ways to Make Extra Money Online

Nowadays, making extra money has become more accessible than ever, thanks to the internet. Online side hustles not only offer the convenience of working from home but also provide various opportunities to match different skills and interests. 

Who doesn't want a little extra spending money? With bills piling up and endless things to save for, people are eyeing online side hustles to supplement their income. You can write articles, sell things you make, teach, or even start a YouTube channel. These are just a few ways to make money on the side without leaving your house. Keep reading to discover the best online side hustles for making extra money from home.

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Top 15 Profitable Online Side Hustles

1. Online Tutoring

With online tutoring, you can extend your passion for teaching to help the next generation. Various online platforms like TutorMe offer rates of around $16 per hour. Preply is another option where English tutors can earn between $15 and $25 per hour. Additionally, job boards such as ZipRecruiter frequently feature part-time online ESL tutor positions that offer rates in the same range and the advantage of a flexible schedule.

2. Freelance Writer

General writing gigs might not pay well, but specialization can be the key to earning more. For instance, freelance writers who know the tech industry can earn $55 to $65 an hour. Such roles often require writing about company news and covering events, demanding around 20 to 25 hours per week. Outside the tech sector, roles like part-time associate editors in health care are available, with pay rates ranging from $22 to $28 an hour for 20 hours per week.

3. Freelance Designer

Artistic individuals should consider freelance design as one of their online side hustles. Various platforms, such as Fiverr, offer an array of opportunities. Specific job listings from individual companies can be more lucrative. For example, a Los Angeles company currently offers $30 an hour for a production artist, requiring a commitment of 15 to 20 hours a week.

4. Sell Digital Products

If creativity is your strong suit, selling digital products can be a rewarding online side hustle. Products like digital artwork, logos, music, and videos are in high demand. You can create these using your own software or free platforms like Canva and PhotoPea for design and Garageband for music. Once you have your digital products ready, you can sell them on your website, on social media, or through digital marketplaces like Etsy, Canva, and Envato Market.

5. Take Online Surveys

If you have some spare time and are interested in sharing your opinions, online surveys could be the right fit for you. Marketing companies often pay for consumer insights on various topics and products. Payments for completing surveys vary, with some offering $2 to $10 for short surveys and up to $100 for more in-depth ones. Platforms like User Interviews, Survey Junkie, and Dscout are trustworthy sites where you can get started without any upfront costs.

6. Test Apps and Platforms

Testing apps and platforms is a quick and straightforward way to make some extra cash. Market research firms and developers are always looking for real users to test the usability of their products. You won't build a business this way, but with payments ranging from $10 to $150 for a small time commitment, it's a lucrative option. This is a no-cost online side hustle. Platforms like Swagbucks, UserTesting, and Enroll offer these opportunities. 

7. Online Customer Service or Chat Support

With a growing number of U.S. companies serving customers globally, the need for 24/7 customer support has never been greater. Online customer service or chat support jobs are usually work-from-home and come with flexible schedules. These roles typically have low entry requirements and offer on-the-job training, making them accessible online side hustles for most people.

8. Bookkeeping

Smaller businesses often don't have the resources for a full-time accounting department, creating a demand for part-time bookkeepers. According to Upwork, these positions usually allow remote work and offer pay rates ranging from $11 to $25 an hour or more.

9. Online Courses and Coaching

If you've got expertise in a particular subject, why not monetize it? Creating and selling online courses and coaching programs is an online side hustle that has the potential to become a full-fledged business. With the help of online course platforms, setting up your course is now easier than ever. 

Platforms like Udemy, Thinkific, and Podia guide you through the process and even offer options to pair your courses with personalized coaching. Most of these platforms either have a monthly fee or take a slice of the pie when you make a sale. Alternatively, you can host courses on your own website built on platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix.

10. Sell Your Visual Stories: Photography

Do you have an eye for capturing stunning visuals? Your photos can earn you money, whether it's landscapes, objects, or candid moments. Selling your photography is a creative and rewarding online side hustle. You can sell through your website or use established platforms like Etsy, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Alamy. These platforms help you reach a broader audience and earn royalties on your work.

11. Affiliate Marketing

If you love writing and have something to say, blogging can be a fulfilling and profitable online side hustle. You can build a loyal readership by focusing on a niche you're passionate about. In this online side hustle, you earn money when someone clicks a link on your site and makes a purchase on the partner's website. The profitability can vary, but some bloggers have made this their full-time job. 

The basic cost of running a blog is relatively low. Expect to spend $50 to $100 annually for domain and hosting. You can use platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace to design your blog, eliminating the need for a designer or developer. Make sure to learn more about affiliate marketing strategies to maximize your earnings.

12. Start Your YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel is a fantastic way to share your knowledge, entertain an audience, or discuss current events. It can be a slow grind initially to reach the eligibility requirements for monetization—1,000 subscribers and 4,000 video watch hours per year—but once you hit those milestones, the earning potential can be substantial.

YouTube is free to join, and you don't have to invest in high-end equipment right away. A smartphone with a decent camera and free video editing software like iMovie or Adobe Spark is enough to get you started. To expand your viewership, consider sharing your content on social media and even using low-cost YouTube ads.

13. Be a Social Media Creator

Social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram offer a lucrative avenue for viral content creators. Through their respective creator programs, you can monetize videos and posts that attract high views. This online side hustle costs you nothing to start. All the platforms offer free-to-use post and video creation tools.


14. Be an Influencer Marketing

Successful influencers are a jack-of-all-trades, operating across platforms from YouTube to podcasts and blogs. They earn money through affiliate links, sponsored content, and ads.

Initiating an influencer marketing side hustle is free. You can start off with social media accounts and later expand into a blog or website. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix offer free or low-cost plans to set up your website. As your brand grows, consider upgrading your plans.

15. E-Commerce Reseller

Becoming an e-commerce reseller could be one of the most rewarding online side hustles you could start. Although it may need more investment and time upfront compared to other side hustles, it has the potential to grow into a full-time business. This approach allows you to handpick products from different vendors to sell, and you can even diversify your income by adding print-on-demand products, dropshipping, and affiliate marketing to the mix.

Initial startup costs can vary, ranging from as low as $500 to upwards of $5,000, depending on how much stock you decide to start with. But don't worry too much about platform fees. E-commerce platforms like Shopify, WordPress with WooCommerce, or Weebly by Square offer affordable starter plans. These can be free or up to about $29 per month, making it easier to kick off your online side hustle without breaking the bank.

Final Thoughts

Exploring online side hustles is a fantastic way to add an extra income stream to your finances. Whether you're an aspiring tutor, a digital artist, a tech-savvy tester, or an e-commerce enthusiast, there's something for everyone. The beauty of these side hustles is their flexibility—most can be done from the comfort of your home and on your own schedule. Plus, with minimal to moderate startup costs, these opportunities offer a low-risk entry point into entrepreneurship.

Don't just dream about financial freedom—take action. Secure a slot at the Next Level Academy Free Masterclass to learn essential business strategies to help turn your online side hustle into a profitable venture. Take the first step and level up your side hustle today!

Further Reading